Despite a huge number of riddles and unresolved problems, progressive scientific thought has still taken over - at least, on many controversial issues. First of all, this refers to the materialistic paradigm. On the submission of individual wonderworkers manipulating Tarot cards, passing through the walls (i.e. implying by space the entity a little different from our dogmatic), naïve existential trends have already begun almost to be reanimated. However materialism withstanded eventually this onslaught, enriched at the same time by a special interpretation of multicomponent matter and quasi-matter.
In its turn, the theory of precognition /future vision/ also in some way contradicts to the common academic point of view; therefore, naturally it requires closer attention as well.
So now researchers' primary task is to try intelligibly to ground miracles, having given them an explanation within the modern fringe science.
I. Anomalies, illusions, artifacts or a breakthrough into another reality?!
In particular, rejecting the postulates of creationism, we have (least) to agree with the version about some highly developed external observers who, a true, don’t practically interfere with earthly life. Since alternative one (that supposedly we are all potential but “dormant” yet wonderworkers) looks selfish and unlikely because of the abundance of clearly non-anthropogenic miracles. Let alone the numerous oral and sometimes even fixed evidence about past paleo-contacts.
In addition, the presence of the rudiments of miracles at the lower levels of the phylogenetic tree can be considered quite proven that, in turn, once again confirms the idea of the natural origin of Homo from a monkey (and indeed from ancient primitive organisms with a similar genome). It's just that human miraculous abilities have increased in the end about the same (in comparison with animals) as his intellect - and all this is directly related to the progress of the nervous system.
All people, regardless of moral or intellectual qualities (that is, purely according to the degree of their proximity to Supreme Will) can be divided into three categories: a) "thaumaturges"; b) "the initiates" (devoted or heavenly chosen ones); c) "mediocrities" (commoners, well or other). Moreover, thaumaturges are literally a few. These are, as a rule, lifetimewonderworkers, and after demise - celestials and canonized spiritual teachers such as Gautama Buddha, Pythagoras, Joseph of Copertino, Grigory Rasputin, Shirdi Sai Baba & Sathya Sai Baba, Zé Arigó, Uriel Geller. The initiates are about 10-15% of the total population. This is exactly the percentage of people, whose prayers, and also various kinds of spells, conspiracies, requests have chance to reach the addressee and thus show affect on the devoted themselves or on their entourage. These lucky beggars, in particular, know how to reliably read cards, see prophetic dreams, experience religious ecstasy (like witness of Fatima apparitions Lúcia dos Santos together with her cousins Francisco & Jacinta de Jesus Marto), successfully practice yoga, shamanize еtс. And if they don’t make somewhat of the above, it’s evidently - only because don’t a priori guess about having such abilities. Surely, all of them will find as well their place of honor in “the kingdom of heaven” after death. Among different folks, the percentage of initiates varies, which directly depends on the physiological, and also, by the way, on purely genetic characteristics of the representatives of a concrete nation. So, at the Scandinavian and Finno-Ugric tribes, it drops to 5, but in the ancient Jews was noticeably higher than the average.
As for the commoners, their miserable otherworldly vegetative existence (if it happens at all) can except that be deeply sympathized with. But even in this life, ordinary parishioners and monks occasionally have a very hard time, since de-facto their numerous appeals to the Almighty are like down the drain. From this point of view, one of the most exemplary members of this category is the great biblical martyr Job (or rather, his real prototype from then Transjordanian kingdom Jobab ben Zerah).
In contrast to such a longitudinal division, there is also a transverse independently of it: into left and right hemispheres (i.e. all three of the above groups, in turn, are divided in two halves). The left-hemispheric are more prone to some effective deeds while their antipodes are to meditative ones. Wherein, according to this concept, the phenomenon of poltergeist should be considered as the otherworldly acts of some immature (and possibly even unkind) left thaumaturges.
So apparently any tendency to congenital or (rarely) acquired wonderworking has to be somehow reflected anatomically. And moreover, it’s not at all necessarily through a certain defect but just by means of one or another deviation within the functional norm (including the features of inter-neuronal links, hemispherity etc.). As for the alternative point of view (that all the great wonderworkers were allegedly sent to us from the outside), it much smells creationism. Though the activity of strong built-in spirit-spies who managed to establish contact with "Self" (as, for instance, in the case of initiation at shamans) always outwardly differed in spectacular miracles. And unlikely they are associated only with a suggestive impact on the public – for sure, also with some momentary changes in the usual physical properties of matter, time and space! Well, and besides, there is the third version, according to which wonderworkers can be hybrid descendants of extraterrestrials distantly related with the most ancient earth creatures.
The inheritance of miraculous abilities from an ancestor in the next generation may indicate the obvious genetic basis of such phenomenon, though the specific mechanism for its implementation isn’t still entirely clear here. Meanwhile as the inheritance of the same qualities but already after a generation or even from some outsider donors (for example, from a witch) only confirms the direct participation in this the spirits-spies refluttering from a predecessor to a successor. At the genetic level (with regard to family cases), unless the functional predisposition of the organism to the adequate susceptibility of spi-spy can be transmitted.
Essentially, one single factor of the multi-layering live organisms is completely enough for an adequate interpretation of anthropomorphic miracles (as a rule, named “thaumaturgy”). In particular, the latent presence of some corporeal endosymbionts quite could be suspected when, let's say, that is talking about the direct connection of the contactee to the universal noospheric database. Wherein a person sometimes does not even realize this himself: for instance, at hypercalculation (high-speed automatic counting), multilingualism (when ordinary people suddenly become polyglots), and also - not excluded - in the traditional practice of acupuncture and herbal treatment. And as for all the others (i.e. natural artifacts not related to a specific personality), it may well be manifestations of a “different physics” in the form of parallel entities, compactificated spaces, wormholes-bridges etc. Let alone the innocent (but outlandish, and sometimes wild to our perception) mischiefs of some immature pranophytes*. Though this, by the way, can also include the posthumous infantile tricks of earthly cubs-wonderworkers (and moreover - not necessarily from the genus Homo).
Thus, now the question on the immediate agenda is whether individualized high powers like UFOnauts, angels, genies and all similar demigods really exist around us. Forthe presence of the supreme divine substance doesn’t already cause, probably, any doubts: without it planetary progress would just have been impossible! However even said pranophytes can be imagined both in the kind of collection of special elementary particles and in the form of diversified wave emanations or, finally, infusions of some “spiritual energy” from parallel worlds. Shortly speaking, this philosophical question is still relevant – despite higher super-individuals almost never interfere in everyday aspects of social life (not to mention concrete human destinies).
So let's now turn our attention to enough many-faceted area of outside wonderworking which obviously does not fit into the rigid framework of the usual "home-grown" thaumaturgy.
In particular, weird artifacts on snapshots taken in pitch darkness (but with manual exposure), “modulated noise” by Lamoreau brothers, Raudiv’s paracusia, as well as some heavenly and especially ufological signs indicate either that interpreting us information (by way of fundamental Universe's phenomenon as a whole) can be not quite correct & clear, or we perceive, and hence are aware it through our subtle sheaths, i.e. warpedly.
At the same time the most prominent role in explaining such paradoxes belongs, perhaps, to modern American scientists J. Allen Hynek and Jacques Vallee who advanced own alternative hypothesis of extra-dimensional intelligence (abbr. - EDI) to the global academic community. And precisely thanks to their restlessness and ebullient exploratory enthusiasm, somewhere at the end of the last century, it became possible to put into overall use many demanded today by researchers the terms like sensory filter, info-subjectivism, parallel worlds.
Although, as it subsequently turned out, even the very father of cybernetics Norbert Wiener had latent doubts about exact definitiveness of information, implying by it enough vague data which any actively perceiving subject is able to interpret in his way. But with that, despite the seeming speculation of this concept, it certainly must after all have a specific material rationale (at least in the form of some so far elusive quasi-particles or a gauge field); forasmuch otherwise it is not surprising to sink here into empty sophistry and agnosticism.
In turn, rare but pretty shocking episodes associated with a poltergeist might be caused by the pranks of the immature children's souls belonging to the suddenly deceased (or tragically dead) potential wonderworkers. However, on the other hand, one can also hardly ignore the version of similar actions by UFOs watching us; but that is less convincing in this case (due to the complexity of the adequate rationale for their infantilism). Although the sullenness of ancient castles' spooks, along with the carefree tomfoolery of "noisy ghosts" (like the talking mongoose Gef), gives reason to argue that the pranophytes also have some own age gradation. Where, a true, the word "age" itself has nothing to do with the impending demise.
Thus, so called «external wonderworking» can testify either to aliens, or to former highly developed terrestrial civilizations, or to parallel entities what anyway is connected with very powerful (in the energy sense) hierarchs.
II. The outcome of the Third World War isn’t predetermined at all by Vanga, but with heaven!
Asalready mentioned, the ability to precognition may well be directly not related to those miracles we are accustomed (or about which, at least, have been reading more than enough).
For the seers contemplate not the dynamic perspective itself, but only astral widening somehow coupled with it (even if they borrow all the required information from celestial contact-agents). Numerous cases from the life of twins (who, developing from a single maternal egg, respectively, have a joint astral destiny, as a result of which are then subjected to almost same vicissitudes of fate) also testify in favor of such a quite obvious hypothesis. And from this, in turn, it follows that above metaphysical vector (or, if you like, the theosophical sheath) has the greatest impact on the subconscious thoughts and many involuntary movements of a person.
So astrology in its essence is by no means reduced to a trite copying of various Universe's cycles. But even if it can be done, then ipso facto time itself ought to have some special transcendental qualities which could determine its interest in certain objects. After all, be that as it may, any baby yet from conception is organically associated with heaven through invisible strong bonds; therefore, the old theosophical guess about the astral as one of the influential "subtle matters" has, by and large, the full right to exist.
It is curious that the heavens selectively show their sympathy-antipathy for specific individuals (and sometimes even for entire states) precisely at the level of luck or - in extreme cases - the basic vital instincts;however don’t, alas, regulate the degree of development of their mental abilities. This once again emphasizes the ancient evolutionary nature of such connections - as, incidentally, that amankind is gradually getting rid of them (and in a robotic society they, all appearances, will finally lose owntopicality).
By the way. since the ill-fated 3rd World War is now on the lips of almost everyone, let's see together what the recognized luminaries of forecasting Michel de Nostredame and Vangelia Gushterova wrote about this.
The first of them which completed his futuristic chronicle (I note: in full conformity with the Hebrew lunar calendar that is also approaching its epochal 7,000th milestone**) by a very relevant for us frontier of the 2240s, prophesied numerous troubles and pestilence in Europe due to the fatal invasion from the East. But nevertheless, with the beginning of a new astrological week (2243) on our planet, supposedly, the long-awaited overall peace and tranquility should already come.
As for the illustrious Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga, she - on the contrary – slightly hurried things, having moved the tragic page of history at least a decade and a half closer to the starting point of the millennium. In particular, in her opinion, all the up-and-downer should have been brewed back in 2008 - after the doom of four presidents. That is, translated into the language of realities, this might, most likely, mean the following: at the moment of the signing of a reconciliatory memorandum between Russia and Ukraine (with the participation of Putin, Zelensky, Erdogan, as well as the leader of Poland or Belarus), the bloodthirsty yankees together with accomplices from NATO will carry out a brutal terrorist act that evidently take the lives of everyone present. But since this terrible international atrocity will be thought out in advance and very carefully disguised, no one immediately can identify its practical executors on the spot. Therefore, after the initial shock (and perhaps even involuntary panic and confusion), certain time must still pass before nuclear weapons are used. Moreover, according to Vanga's prophecies, this interval may last up to a year and a half.
… As a result of radioactive fallout in the Northern Hemisphere, almost no animals or vegetation will remain alive. And then the Muslims (or - which isn't excluded at all - the Chinese) will launch a massive chemical attack against the few surviving Europeans. So eventually, about 5 years after the start of the war, the Old Continent unrecognizably becomes empty.
That is, as we can see, in both predicted scenarios, representatives of the East must put an end in this planetary conflict. And from the point of view of astrology, this feature is just much more significant than a quite natural stochastic spread of dates in one direction or another.
Wherein a detailed theoretical analysis of the available evidence suggests the fact only two versions are actually suitable for substantiating the precognitive techniques. Because everything else seems frankly far-fetched or at least deeply doubtful.
So here they are in a nutshell:
a) Computing of our future by some stealth contact-agents - with subsequent transfer of information to Earth through selected mediators like John the Apostle, Basil the Blessed, as well as above-mentioned Baba Vanga or Nostradamus. Since it is carried out along to precisely lead determinant vector, hence, is probabilistic rather than affirmative here.Moreover, this vector may even be astral; but in any case, such complex multi-valued calculations could realize only by extraterrestrial creatures (or,for example, the cosmic noosphere as a whole), while our homegrown astrologers - unless toget already prepared information from them.
b) Programming of separate allegedly “foreseen” episodes. This point, if relevant, is perhaps only in combination with the first. Its general meaning is as follows: inorder to maintain the reputation of the chosen clairvoyant or fortune-teller, and also to intimidate earthlings, the disembodied cosmic pranophytes in every possible way contribute to the implementation of the previously predicted action at the right time (including through UFOs, built-in spirit-spies etc.).
As for “direct contemplation” of the future like peculiar documental movies, such a vulgar-idealistic approach just doesn't stand up to criticism - and especially in the light of the current paradigm (according to which the cause must be followed by an effect). Well, and vice versa: in the case of proven real existence of “chrono-ribbon a la Minkowski”, the vast majority of the previous achievements of world scientific thought will have to be thrown, I'm afraid, into the dump. By the by, a somewhat similar situation is with notorious journeys along the time scale or for instance, with so called "parallel universes" (i.e. as if everything predicted comes true somewhere, but not necessarily with us): that is another example of typical empty ranting, which can only take away researchers' mental health and precious years of life.
Therefore, when substantiating successful (and especially - for sure attested) prophecies, it has most often to be considered both factors: as preliminary as programmed. But still, of course, the first of them is much more important (at least even etiologically). In turn, among the secondary (programmed) levers of influence, the following can be distinguished here:
a) the exceptional sporadic giftedness of this particular human through a strong astral (what generally should anyhow manifest itself from an early age);
b) certain personal interest on the part of the given demigod (contact-agent);
c) polyfactorial prediction (say, regarding A.S. Pushkin - several alternative "white riders on a white horse").
And although the last of the versions seems here to be somewhat far-fetched (and, all the more, the rather sensational story with the executed Decembrist S.I. Muravyov-Apostol does not fit into that, for instance), it still has the right to a conceptual discussion.
So now is the time to draw a resumptive line.
As we have just found out, of the huge variety of natural phenomena that have not yet been solved, the most easily explained are prophecies actually coming true.
Plus, in addition to everything, it’s also very important that knowing the essence of the forecasts (whether from the mouth of a palmist, parapsychologist or even simple gypsy fortune-teller), with a strong own desire they can, of course, be prevented! So all the common pseudoscientific speculations on this theme (arbitrarily taken, for example, from biographies of Napoleon Bonaparte, queen Marie Antoinette, A.S. Pushkin, M.S. Gorbachev, Indira & Rajiv Gandhi, Barack H. Obama and others) do not have any serious evidence base.
In turn, lion's share of anthropomorphic miracles could certainly be debunked if academic science finally recognized in the spirit of the main postulates of Theosophy (as, however, ancient Eastern teachings) the quite obvious multi-layering of every live organism.
Well in the end, the most difficult here is still the case with divinely inspired, ufological and other outlandish effects of clearly extraterrestrial origin. Therefore, it would be more expedient (and useful for the earthlings) to put the question in a slightly different plane: why do the higher hierarchs demonstrate us periodically their miracles for?
Acceptable answers might be such:
a) they don’t want to allow the dictatorship of artificial intelligence or robots’ hegemony;
b) wonders are shown not by the hierarchs themselves, who were set here purely for impartial outside observation and rare evolutionary interferences, but their little-minded offspring.
And besides, certain spontaneous miracles can be performed by the untimely deceased wonderworkers' souls, especially by dead children’s (poltergeist) or even by adults’ who, for some reason, haven't gotten to the noosphere.
*Pranophytes are alternative forms of the Universal evolution that do without gross (visible) matter. And also, they, as it appears, possess (through built-in spirit-spies) own fifth part of “quite legitimate” but covert presence at all levels of the development of matter. Although, analyzing their behavioral stereotypes, the deduction inevitably suggests itself that in terms of a creative (i.e. not copied from somewhere and not borrowed from someone) mind they may be inferior to Homo sapiens.
** «I have computed almost as many events in the future time as there are years that will pass until the Second Coming at the beginning of the seventh millennium». – M.Michel Nostradamus: "Letter to King Henry II of France".
Emir Ashursky /Kiev, Ukraine/
This article was published in "Journal of Transpersonal Research"
/Madrid, Spain/, volume 13, issue 2, 2021, section “Theoretical Studies”.
