The theory of precognition /future vision/ in some way competes with scientific prognostication; therefore naturally it requires closer attention. In particular, a detailed analysis of the available evidence suggests that only two versions are actually suitable for substantiating foresight-techniques. The rest here seems far-fetched or deeply doubtful.
1) Computing our future by some higher contact-agents - with the subsequent transfer of information to the Earth through selected mediators like Baba Vanga or Nostradamus. Since it's carried out only along the main determinative vector - hence, is probabilistic rather than affirmative in this case. Moreover, this vector may even be astral, but in any case such calculations are available only to extraterrestrial creatures (or, for example, the cosmic noosphere as a whole) while our homegrown astrologers could unless get already some prepared information from them.
2) Programming certain allegedly “foreseen” events. This point, if even relevant, then is most likely only in combination with the first. Its general meaning is as follows: for to maintain the reputation of an elect seer or fortune-teller, as well as to intimidate earthlings, the disembodied cosmic pranophytes* themselves facilitate (including through UFOs, built-in spirit-spies etc.) the implementation of the previously predicted action at the right time and in every possible way.
As for “direct vision” of future events, such a vulgar-idealistic approach just doesn't stand up to criticism - and especially in the light of the current paradigm (according to which the cause must be followed by an effect). Well, and vice versa: in the case of proof of the real existence of “chrono-ribbon a la Minkowski”, it would be time at once to get perhaps rid of all the previous achievements of world scientific thought. By the way, a somewhat similar situation is with so called "parallel universes" (i.e. as if everything predicted comes true somewhere, but not necessarily with us): this is another example of typical empty ranting, which can only take away researchers' mental health and precious years of life.
Thus, the ability to foresight may well not be associated with those miracles we are accustomed to (or about which, at least, have been reading more than enough). For the seers contemplate not the coming perspective itself, but only astral expansion somehow coupled with it (even if they borrow all the required information from celestial contact-agents). This version is also confirmed by numerous cases from the life of twins which, developing from a single maternal ovum, have respectively a joint astral line (as a result of that are then subjected to almost identical vicissitudes of fate). And from this, in turn, it follows that above-mentioned metaphysical vector (or if you like - theosophical shell) has the greatest impact on the subconscious acts of person. But still, whatever it was, knowing the essence of prediction (whether from the mouth of a palmist, parapsychologist or even simple gypsy fortune-teller), with a strong personal desire it can, of course, be prevented! So that all the common pseudoscientific speculations on this subject (arbitrarily taken, for example, from biographies of A.S. Pushkin, Indira Gandhi, Donald Trump and others) do not have any serious evidence base.
*Pranophytes are alternative forms of the Universal evolution that do without gross (visible) matter. Moreover, analyzing their behavioral stereotypes, the conclusion inevitably suggests itself that in terms of a creative (i.e. not copied from somewhere and not borrowed from someone) mind, they may be inferior to Homo sapiens.
Director of Institute for Scientific Prognosis (Kiev, Ukraine)
This article was published in Russian popular magazine "Incredible World" № 2, 1996 (under the title "Anatomy of Prescience) as well as in the scientific journal "Nature and Man" No. 5, 2007 (under the title "Forecast or flashback?")